Mission, Vision & Identity


It is the mission of First Baptist Church West College Hill to:
1) Reach People in the Name of Jesus;
2) Disciple People in the Way of Jesus;
3) Empower People in the Service of Jesus by:

Fellowshiping with God’s people through membership and commitment to each other.
Adoring our Savior and God through study, stewardship, service, public worship and praise.
Involving God’s people in serving Him and others by…
Training and equiping them through preaching, teaching and discipleship; so that we might be…
Harvesting souls for God’s Kingdom on earth and in Heaven.

Shared Vision

We are a caring community of Christian disciples, committed to growing in faith and love of God. Our calling is to share the Good News of God’s loving grace through worship, study, stewardship and service. How do we accomplish that? In other words, what basic, biblical functions are we to do? Acts 2:40-47 gives us a picture of the biblical purposes of the church. They are:

  • Sharing God’s Love (Evangelism) [v. 40-41, 47]
  • Developing Mature Spiritual Leaders (Discipleship) [v. 42]
  • Building Caring Relationships (Fellowship) [v. 42-46]
  • Serving Others (Ministry) [v. 43-45]
  • Interacting With God (Worship) [v. 46-47]
  • Dialoguing With God (Prayer) [v. 42, 46]

Identity (Christ Centered – Word Focused – Ministry Minded)

We are a church community where diverse people experience God’s radical love and acceptance, find opportunities to grow and nurture their faith, and then rise to the challenge of sharing that love, acceptance and faith with the world. Each of us feels the spirit of Christ in our individual and collective lives. We have a passionate and energized Church community (both laity and staff) that is:

  • Responding to God’s call
  • Building a loving, nurturing Christian community
  • Answering a call to Christian service
  • Reaching and receiving individuals and families in our community
  • Providing inspirational worship for all
  • Passing our faith on to the next generation